4 things you MUST remember when repositioning your marketing strategy

If a brand can’t adapt it won’t survive: this is and has always been the case. But it’s no longer enough to take your evolutionary cues from new circumstances as and when they crop up. Successful evolution in 2017 requires a healthy dose of contextual awareness, future-gazing and, yes, risk. Constantly assess your relevance Preempting […]

Why customer data might be the death of you

It’s not news, but I still find it shocking to consider the ease with which a business can ‘get to know’ their clients.  As soon as the modern marketer steps foot outside their metaphorical front door, they’re beset by an amalgamated horde of analytics tools, metric systems and algorithmic programmes. Take a few more steps […]

Volvo and the graduation of the ‘unboxing video’

In a recent marketing stunt, Volvo used an ‘unboxing video’. Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t it seem as though it were only yesterday that these videos were odd little creatures, tucked away in the rarely-traversed depths of YouTube? Perhaps just by casually referencing them, I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s altogether possible you don’t […]

Thought Leadership: What happens if you get it wrong?

New research by Edelman and Linkedin has shown thought leadership to be a decidedly two-sided coin. Their study, which surveyed over 1,300 Business Decision Makers (BDMs) on the extent to which their B2B purchase process is influenced by salient thought leaders, confirms becoming a thought leader as being worthwhile, but also highlights some worrying consequences […]

Could AI end the workplace diversity struggle?

Listening to Tom Loeffert of SAP speak yesterday at TechXLR8 — the last day of the week-long London expo —  I was struck by something strangely unfamiliar: an outlook on AI that doesn’t centre around speeding processes or creating a new digital workforce. Or ending the world. No, instead Loeffert spoke about AI’s ability to […]

Rising employment isn’t good news: here’s why

Your bad jobs are hurting the economy You may take issue with the above statement. After all, with unemployment going down, surely you’re doing something right? In theory, but as is often the case, the numbers don’t tell the full story. More people are in work, but fewer people are enjoying their jobs. And as […]

How IBM stabbed their workforce – and themselves – in the back

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column][vc_column_text 0=””]In light of IBM’s decision to repeal their famous ‘work-from-home’ policy, I hope you’ll forgive me for asking the question: have they completely lost the plot? According to Geoffrey James of Inc., they may well have. He writes, ‘You’d think that IBM’s executives would realise that the company’s unparalleled record of financial growth […]

Discovering a 500-year-old history of robots at the Science Museum

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column][vc_column_text 0=””]Until just a short while ago the concept of ‘AI’ was just that – a concept. A stimulating conversation piece, but little more. Well, in 2017 this is no longer the case. AI and its applications have been a key industry talking point this year, and for good reason. Huge strides have been […]