Machine good, man and machine better
AI’s potential impact on marketing, sales and revenue generation is undeniably huge but not without its limitations. “Our technology, our machines, is part of our humanity. We created them to extend ourselves, and that is what is unique about human beings.” Ray Kurzweil, Computer scientist and author When it comes to marketing, sales and revenue […]
ABM’s vital role in customer success culture
Once a big contract has been secured, there’s usually a collective sigh of relief across the sales team and the party starts. Then it’s on to the next sales lead. Customer service, meanwhile, deals with any issues as the contract unfolds, with sales getting involved again only as the renewal date approaches. Well, at least […]
Overcoming the growing complexity of modern B2B
As a new report reveals that B2B sales teams are struggling to cope with new ‘buying by committee’ and lengthening sales cycles, JPC’s James Mollard explains why ABM is up for the challenge, but only if you build true ‘man-marking’ activities at the core of your engagement strategies. The B2B sales landscape is getting increasingly […]
What ABM challenges are you facing in 2023?
Whatever they are, you’re not alone. Our own research combined with two recent studies uncover the barriers marketers are coming up against when executing their account-based marketing programmes.
This time it’s personal – and that’s a must
The gap between the demands of B2C and B2B customers has been closing for some time now, making it increasingly important for B2B marketers to follow their B2C counterparts and take a more human, personalised approach.
Kill “lead capture” addiction to drive sales
“A focus on the upper part of the purchase funnel could be preventing B2B marketers converting prospects to sales.” JPC’s Growth and Strategy Director James Mollard reveals a route to a more balanced approach to demand generation. Despite believing that resources should be spread equally across the four stages of the buying funnel (create, capture, […]
Client Inertia: The hidden barrier to growth
“Every one of our clients has a view on their competition. Some of it is formal and in depth. Some of it is simply the tacit knowledge of the people in the front line. All of it is valuable when it’s thoughtfully applied. But What we aren’t seeing are battlecard sets for dealing with client […]
Uniting sales and marketing to drive success
“It’s never been more important to align these crucial teams, so you can attract, win and grow more business to accelerate your way through the current economic challenges. But where do you start? A new study and ABX offer clues… ” James Mollard – Growth and Strategy Director JPC We’ve emerged from the pandemic into […]
What modern B2B buyers want…and how to deliver it
“Yes, studies show how customers’ purchasing criteria are shifting and yes understanding the buyer journey is important, but accepting it and simply servicing it isn’t. It’s the job of sales to disrupt and divert it, introduce new ideas, recognise and overcome bias, and it’s the job of marketing to create the platform and tools to […]
Give your sales team superpowers with ABX
Why it’s time to supercharge your ABM to attract, win and grow more business. Business challenges are coming thick and fast. Just as we seem to be finally conquering the pandemic and looking forward to accelerating into the recovery, other challenges come flying our way – from an increasingly crowded and noisy marketplace where it’s […]
ABM: The Growth Engine
A new report reveals the power of account-based marketing campaigns to drive growth and strengthen customer relationships. JPC’s James Mollard summarises the findings… With many companies new to account-based marketing or yet to implement it, there remains an air of mystery around the technique. What is it being used for? How effective are businesses finding […]
Why aligning sales and marketing isn’t enough to drive successful ABM
“It’s a standard ABM mantra that sales alignment at the outset is an absolute for the success of a programme but no one seems to be very clear on what that actually means. In our experience getting everyone facing in the same direction and agreeing it’s a great idea simply isn’t good enough. Sales have […]
Fuelling bid success with ABM
What’s a cycling peloton got to do with marketing? It shows why account-based marketing holds the key to securing your next lucrative bid opportunity, says JPC’s James Mollard… Account-based marketing (ABM) and deal-based marketing (DBM) each play vital roles in attracting, winning and growing business, but can bringing them closer together deliver better results? In […]