News & Insights

Thought leadership is a position of power. As a thought leader you’re an influencer and a market commentator rather than solely a vendor – it’s a very different position, and one that brings with it credibility and responsibility. The best thought leaders play a key role in the conceptualisation of new business ideas, trends and

New research by Edelman and Linkedin has shown thought leadership to be a decidedly two-sided coin. Their study, which surveyed over 1,300 Business Decision Makers (BDMs) on the extent to which their B2B purchase process is influenced by salient thought leaders, confirms becoming a thought leader as being worthwhile, but also highlights some worrying consequences

Listening to Tom Loeffert of SAP speak yesterday at TechXLR8 — the last day of the week-long London expo —  I was struck by something strangely unfamiliar: an outlook on AI that doesn’t centre around speeding processes or creating a new digital workforce. Or ending the world. No, instead Loeffert spoke about AI’s ability to

If your house kept getting burgled because you’d been leaving the key under the same flowerpot, you’d probably think deeply about why it happened and how you’d make sure it would never happen again. Why have so many businesses failed for so many years to think deeply about their cyber security strategy? You might blame

Your bad jobs are hurting the economy You may take issue with the above statement. After all, with unemployment going down, surely you’re doing something right? In theory, but as is often the case, the numbers don’t tell the full story. More people are in work, but fewer people are enjoying their jobs. And as

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””]For a couple of years now advertisers have been gradually leaning more towards in-house services and away from agency outsourcing. A recent ISBA study has translated this trend into numbers, and put forward the main reason behind it: agencies thought to be too slow. The advertisers’ issue centres around urgency. They want