News & Insights

A couple of months ago we spoke about why, despite more people in work, the economy is suffering due to a surplus of ‘bad jobs’. Employees are ending up in jobs they aren’t right for and don’t like, and employers are saddled with a disengaged and unmotivated workforce. While it’s probably a bit optimistic to

For brands who rely on the face-to-face impact of their product, appealing to customers who do their shopping online presents a challenge. Products which need to be experienced first-hand used to be able to speak for themselves, but now the customer is only ever a few clicks away from message boards, online forums, reddit threads

It’s not news, but I still find it shocking to consider the ease with which a business can ‘get to know’ their clients.  As soon as the modern marketer steps foot outside their metaphorical front door, they’re beset by an amalgamated horde of analytics tools, metric systems and algorithmic programmes. Take a few more steps