News & Insights

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your words were totally misinterpreted? Have you thought you were saying one thing only to find the other person heard something entirely different?” I for one know my words have failed me on multiple occasions. I spent most of my school years trying to sound more

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love digital and technology. I eat it up for breakfast. I’m lost without my iPhone – as I discovered recently when I realised I’d raced out of the house without it. Total panic set in – how would anybody reach me? How would I contact them? Of course I

We have never before had such a wide-ranging understanding of how technology and communications work. Even as part of the Millennial generation, my experience is hugely different from that of people just 10 years younger. And businesses are finding this too – the landscape they find themselves in now differs massively from that of two

When we traded our open plan warehouse in buzzing Brixton for the calmer, quieter surrounds of a zen-like compartmentalised Clapham retreat, we didn’t just change the space we were in – but the way we were working. We had spent 17 glorious years enjoying the lofty heights of a collaborative space but as a home

By 2020 will a connected device enable UK voters to log in from anywhere in the world?

For the 7th year running ‘Pick Me Up’ has returned to Somerset House to celebrate all things graphic arts. It’s quickly become a must-see event in the London design calendar so we wanted to experience the hype for ourselves. On entrance you are greeted by the ‘Pick Me Up Selects’ which showcases the work of

Cloud Expo is the largest, most attended Cloud event in the world – and this year it was back in London’s ExCel centre to celebrate the latest trends, opinions and solutions for Cloud computing and technology. The theme for 2016 was ‘Everything is possible’ and featured keynote talks from service providers, ethical hackers, Government ministers,

We’ve all wondered what the future will look like at some point in our lives. From flying cars, comparable to Doc Brown’s Delorean DMC-12, to Ex-Machina style artificial intelligence. These dreams now don’t seem like such a distant reality. As computers become more powerful, clever and sophisticated, the rate of technological growth is rapidly increasing.

It is said that 2016 will be the year for Virtual Reality and with Facebook spending $2bn to acquire the Oculus Rift VR headset, founder Mark Zuckerberg obviously believes it too. Virtual reality is no longer a thing of the future and it isn’t surprising that most business sectors are developing various ways of using

As 90% of all the data in the world was created in the last 2 years it is not surprising that data has become an increasingly hot topic. When extracted, analysed and processed data becomes an extremely powerful tool for businesses, something that many of our clients recognise themselves. Therefore when we heard about the

Each year in September, we celebrate all things design in various spaces across the city. This year we headed to Somerset House on a warm autumn evening to check out some fresh talent and soak up some inspiration.
I have always been passionate about design and came to JPC knowing that this is a career I wanted to peruse but wasn't quite sure how to get my foot in the door. Then I found the MYOC (Make Your Own Career) programme & at JPC, which seemed perfect for me....
This is the first time I’ve worked for a company with “core values”. Not promises that we shout about to make people believe in us. But real, core values that we believe in and live by.
As a 10 year-old schoolboy I never expected that the lesson I valued the most today would be one of my father’s rare pieces of advice back then. It’s something I will testify to have had a huge impact on my business life. And yet I ignored it for over 20 years. His advice? Ask
Alignment. Not a hugely exciting word I grant you. But in the right hands? Wow is it powerful. In a world of abundant choice and excessive everything, where everyone can seemingly do everything 24/7, it’s hard to be clear on who does what and for what reason?
The JPC design team headed to London's Designer's Fiesta 2014 last month for a peek at the latest and greatest from the ever-evolving design and development worlds. Hosted by Academy Class, the event featured talks and tutorials from the most talented people in these fields, with plenty of time to...
Matthew Dixon's bestseller The Challenger Sale is renowned bedside reading for most sales executives. His unique mix of experience, research and insight is widely believed to hold the secrets to both a successful sales strategy and honing your personal selling skills. Yet in the two years since The Challenger Sale...
Consumers are seeking authentic brands. Brands with soul. Soul needs to be baked into your brand identity. Gone are the days when marketing was about having the biggest, shoutiest brand, being 'revolutionary' or being the first to launch stuff into space. To today's hype-weary consumer, flash brand strategies, such as...
Shakespeare is quoted as saying "Brevity is the soul of wit". It's true in art, and it's even truer in advertising.There is a natural human affection for a message that's transmitted succinctly. Yet, whether it's an elevator pitch or a tweet, what brands often struggle most with is communicating in...